A world where the hope of Jesus is transforming communities among all peoples, starting with the nations in our backyard.
To glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches among unreached diaspora that will multiply both here and in their homeland.
Our joy is to create and implement new approaches to loving and serving our neighbors through media, ESL classes, cross-cultural coaching, tutoring, job placement, parenting and so much more.
We use:
Diverse ministry methods based on the felt needs of the community
Holistic, incarnational approaches that increase trust and allow us to share our faith effectively
Our desire is that everything we do would lead to multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ! We long to see communities transformed by the gospel, churches planted and multiplied in the US and in their homeland.
We value:
Disciple making
Training and releasing leaders by drawing out their skills, gifts and abilities
Churches planting churches
Our passion is to see the gospel proclaimed in cities where there is little to no gospel witness among unreached people groups that have found refuge in the US. Our prayerful goal is to expand The INN to 20 cities.
We envision:
Transformation that spurs on Gospel movement
Entering more US cities
Diaspora reaching their homeland with the Gospel
Who Are We?
As we have been transformed by the love and mercy of God, we live out this good news in word in deed among diaspora communities in America. Our hope is that communities of believers will develop and flourish so that all peoples may know Jesus.
God is at work in the world through the mass movement of people—those fleeing persecution, war, and starvation to lands of security and prosperity. We are ordinary people who have been captured by Jesus’ love and long to share our hope among communities where Christ is least known - many of which are represented in diaspora communities across America.
Jesus left his followers with a mission - to proclaim life to all humanity and live as light bearers to this hope. To fulfill this mission, our teams are based in US cities and work with networks of local churches, organizations and individuals. Together we coordinate effective evangelism and discipleship to nurture a church into existence.
Each team evaluates best ministry practices for serving the needs of their community in collaboration with local efforts. The INN is positioned to engage unreached peoples intentionally, strategically, and apostolically. Our holistic efforts are rooted in our commitment to sharing the gospel in word and deed, so that the lost may be saved and participate in the body of Christ.
Our Approach
There are countless ways to love and serve the diaspora community as they work to rebuild their homes and lives. What is needed are open eyes, a servant heart, and the courage to engage people.