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“He is shining His flashlight in my heart.”

While studying the Bible, a new believer from Central Asia said to an INN worker, “I just keep falling more and more in love with Jesus!” We are excited as “P” grows in her faith through this discipleship relationship and embraces the transformation of His Word. “P” shared, “He is shining His flashlight in my heart.” Her life is changing from the inside out, in both small and large ways, including an increased desire to see her people group know Jesus as she does, saying, “My people need to know this about Jesus.”

INN workers often experience the Word of God with fresh eyes while studying the Bible with people from around the world. They get to see God answer prayers and transform hearts as people discover Jesus through the telling of His story and studying of His Word. INN works desire to see the diaspora reach their own people both here and in their home countries.

It’s the INN’s desire that everything we do would lead to multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ! We long to see communities transformed by the gospel, with churches planted and multiplied in the US and in their homelands.

Please pray for new believers to grow strong and bold in their faith as they interact with the INN. Pray for our workers to be encouraged and to have more opportunities as they answer the call to make disciples and to see His church established.


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